A New Creation: Ashley's Story
Ashley came to Front Porch Housing in June of 2019 with nothing but an achy broken soul, not expecting the Lord to meet her in that state. Ashley had been living a life filled with drugs, addiction, and sexual sin.
“I had no family, nowhere to go, and I had a 6-week-old baby girl,” Ashley says. Facing legal charges at the time, finding a job was extremely difficult. And, to make matters worse, the pandemic had just begun. “Front Porch Housing welcomed me in and changed my outlook on people and the Lord. Receiving that kind of selfless love was one of the hardest things I had to do.”
During her time in the program, Ashley said she wasn’t just casually invited to church, but constantly pursued and invited into a relationship with Christ. “Everything they did was all about the Lord. The way they guided and loved me changed my life.” Ashley would recommend this program to anyone who may be experiencing hardship because of the love she received from Front Porch Housing. She says, “You cannot go through a program like that and not experience some sort of life change!”
Since graduating from the program, Ashley is working her dream job, she is financially stable, and building a life for her and her sweet little girl! Ashley leads in re:gen, she is plugged into the local church, and engaged to be married in September!
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